sazan avcılığında umumiyetle gecede kalındığından kampın aydınlatılması gerekir.Malzemeleri karıştırken dünden bu güne aydınlatmada kullandığımız malzemeleri
18 Eylül 2010 Cumartesi
17 Eylül 2010 Cuma
Büyükçekmece Gölü'nde Kızılkanat Avi
Dün Sazlıbosna Gölü maceramızdan sonra bugün de atıl yakaladığımız bir zaman diliminde Çekmece Gölünde bir av yapalım dedik. Hadımköy otoban gişelerinden çıktıktan sonra Hezarfen Havaalanı istikametine doğru devam ederken Çekmece Gölü'nü ortadan ikiye ayıran yolun ortasında attık oltalarımızı. Her zamanki gibi küspe mısırlı dip oltalarımız ve sadece mısır kullandığımız mantarlı oltalarımızı kullandık yine. Yaklaşık bir saatlik bekleyiş sonuç vermeyince kullandığımız yemleri değiştirme kararı aldık. Mantarlı oltalara mısır yerine ekmek hamuru, dip oltalarına da kokulu hazır yemlerden takıp Hezarfende motorlu uçak gösterilerini izleyerek kızılanatları yakalamaya başladık. Boyları ortalama istavrit boyunu geçmeyen kızılkanatlardan hemen hemen 2 kilo topladıktan sonra Büyükçekmece Gölü'nden hafif hafif uzaklaşırken, yakaladığımız kızılkanatları evde afiyetle yemenin hayalini kuruyorduk.
Sazlıbosna'da Sazan Avı
Bu hafta Sazlıbosna'ya sazan avlamaya gittik güya... 2 gün ve 1 gece geçirmemize rağmen alabildiğimiz balık sayısı sadece iki... İlk önce köprünün üzerinde iki mantarlı beş de küspeli dip oltası attık, yaklaşık beş saatimizi geçirdiğimiz köprü üzerindeki yerimizi sazlıbosna gölünün doğu tafına düşen tel örgülerle çevrili çamurluk alandaki yere geçtik. Geceyi geçirdiğimiz sazlıbosna gölünün bu bölümünde iki tane 1 kg kambur sazan balığını gece yarısı 2- 3 civarı küspe mısır kullandığımız dip oltalarımızla yakaladık. Hemen yanımızda 9 tane dip oltasını değişik yemlerle göle atan bir arkadaş sabaha karşı sazlıbosna gölünden bir tane yayın balığı, üç tane de bir kiloluk sazan balığı aldı. Sabaha karşı gölün manzarası hakkında söyleyecek birşey bulamıyorum. Muhteşemdi...
Sazlıbosna gülünün sabaha manzarasını seyrettiğimiz o gün değişik olta takımları ve yem çeşitleri denememize rağmen balık avımızda bir "tık" bile yaşanmadı.
13 Eylül 2010 Pazartesi
Balık Avcılığında Dikkat Edilecek Hususlar
Ava çıkmadan önce hangi tür balık için çıkacağımızı bilmeli ona göre hazırlığımızı yapmalıyız. Denize mi yoksa tatlı su balığı için mi hazırlık yapılacak bu da çok önemli bir konudur. Balığın cinsine ve hedeflediğimiz büyüklüğüne göre av malzemelerimizi hazırlamalı, olta takımlarımızı ona göre seçmeliyiz.. Yanımızda mutlaka seçtiğimiz her olta takımından bir kaç tane yedek bulundurmamız şarttır. Örneğin sazan avı için bir kaç farklı boy iğne bulundurmamız yerinde olacaktır. Kullanacağımız balık yemi de çok önemlidir. Canlı yem mi kullanacağız yoksa hazır yemlerden mi bulunduracağız üzerinde durulması gereken diğer önemli maddelerden biridir.
Bir de kendimiz için yiyecek-içecek, hava sıcak ya da serin de olsa ekstradan bir kaç giyecek olmazsa olmazlardandır. Gece aydınlatma için ışık bulundurmalıyız.
Bir de kendimiz için yiyecek-içecek, hava sıcak ya da serin de olsa ekstradan bir kaç giyecek olmazsa olmazlardandır. Gece aydınlatma için ışık bulundurmalıyız.
12 Eylül Referandum Yorumumuz
Ramazan da geçti bayram da, 12 eylül Halkoylaması da dün kazasız belasız halledildi. Evetçilerle Hayır'cıların büyük çekişmesi de bitmiş oldu sonunda. Benim tahminim % 70 oranında Evet çıkmasıydı ama olmadı. Hayır'cıları gayet başarılı görüyorum. Siyasi liderlerin CHP ve MHP'nin değil Trakya Halkının, Ege ve Akdeniz Halkının başarısından bahsediyorum. Sahil şeridinin ve Avrupa Kıtasında kalan kısmımızın başarısından....
Kenan EVREN'in silah zoruyla kabul ettirdiği anayasayı tabiki hiçbirimiz istemiyoruz, bunda şüphe yok. Ama bu değişiklik Tayyip Bey'in lutfuyla gelecekse onu da istemiyoruz diyenlerin başarısı bu. Halkoylamasında özgür iradesiyle AKP hükumetine seni istemiyoruz diyenleri de tebrik ediyorum.
Bir de Tunceli'yi tebrik etmek istiyorum. Özgür irade, bağımsız düşünce budur.
Bundan sonra ne olur bilemiyorum. Bir tarafta kendisini Kürt halkının sözcüsüymüş gibi görenbir BDP, diğer tarafta kendisini Müslümanların sözcüsüymüş gibi gören bir Akparti hükumeti. Haritaya baktığımızda turuncu renkle görünen illerimize de birileri sahip çıkıp Atatürk'ün Sivas'tan Kurtuluş Savaşımızı başlatması gibi gerçek çoğulcu demokrasi devrimi başlasın artık.
Islam and the interest
Interest of the Quran very clearly yasakliyor sozlerle water: then the interest income from whom an admonition from his Lord in the past is essential if the work that God himself has remained. Who return again, if interest, that they are the Fire, they will abide therein.
Hz. Water clarity is to describe the interest Mohammed sozlerle: "return to the gold Gold, silver to silver counterpart, with a grain of wheat, barley and barley, and palm to palm, do not sell salt to salt counterpart. However, if an equal amount and cash it exceptional. If the interest rate increases, or get whoever took over would have given. In this area and there is no difference between giving. "
Ozetleyecek: if
1. Quran also mentioned interest rates, economists' "real interest" in the amount of inflation on interest rates in the IMIS is happening. Mathematically, we can also put forward real interest rate = 0 rule.
2. Guilty and who is the domain of the zero real interest rates being too small or zero gunahtir means being big.
On the other hand, could not find a source for gambling, according to denomination, but the water that contains conditions can be attributed to gambling situations:
1. Inconclusive results in an event to be involved.
2. If we are to achieve financial gain Kazanmaniz, if you lose to lose financially.
We're looking tanimlara evaluation of the available investment vehicles now. (It's very long buluyorsaniz stay below the letter I wrote to the outcome)
a. Bank deposit: If you picked up a real interest from the bank, this is not gunahtir = 0. With zero interest loans even if you gunahtir yatiriyor inflation with an interest in over the gunahtir If yatiriyor. Already collected this money from you bank or credit interest in kazandiklari kulladiklari even if for the real interest rate = 0 would be sin islemis (gunaha tool for you get). So he never sinned, to keep a copy for the money in the bank is required yatirmamaniz.
b. Bonds / Treasury Bills: State of the zero real interest rate equal to the debt verdiginiz can do that. Usually a zero real interest rate is higher, but sometimes it occurs under zero. Them have low interest rates likely to be zero. So real that I think a Muslim should stalker them away. Inflation-indexed kagitlardan Bring on the inflation rate in the hands of the night to give back to the state in which vatandaslarimiz (if they do not violate any other rule) can do it. Consequently, the purpose of real interest = 0
c. Stock Exchange: Stock Exchange to invest in companies that use Dear whom interest is forbidden. A company that meets all the Islamic rules in the stock market assume that the processing gordugunu. This definition of gambling within the company to sell the stock takes it away. When he picked up shares at a future alacagi value (as well as the basic parts of) depends on the sansa. After five years of a stock we do not know what price you'll see from the process. So just when I thought that if the purchase and sale, depending (or less) to profit or loss is subject to our situation. So it should be forbidden according to Islam it. But if the profit share of a stock for only dagittigi tutarsaniz You take your hand and forever, the company's share of profits dagittigi (I) do not sin.
d. Gold / Silver: the price of everything past, gold / silver lap times your money under the precious metals was determined with the stalker was not sin. However, in today's prices are determined on local currencies, while gold (with some basic degiskenlerle) sansa categories depending on gambling for degistigi enters. To do so, under the investment gunahtir this. To get the golden takin (consumption purposes) may not be sin, it is necessary to control the other yasaklari.
e. Currency: Currency is well below the difference, the value (with some basic degiskenlerle) vary depending on the sansa. To make it so that gunahtir Forex Trading.
f. Options: Opsiyonlarin value will vary depending on the sansa. He also why they gunahtir.
g. Nema: State of zero because there is no real interest to you gave gunahtir also valued.
h. Real estate: Real estate prices (the main factors besides), depending on if I done trading gain or loss for degistigi gunahtir to bear. However, a real estate holding forever, provided it does not get covered by sin edeceginiz income.
i. Investment Funds: Investment fonlarinin enstrumanlara majority of the above, they could make the investment. He also why they gunahtir. Yatirimcilardan collected as exceptional as the currencies in activities fully comply with Islamic rules that put the funds equivalent to the share of business investment can be done. Hedge funds for everyone, this is for MAC kaka tu kaftandir bicilmis.
Let the consumption by an event:
a. To borrow: Source matter what (whether state or private sector, either party) to use a credit gunahtir zero real interest rate.
b. Payment of the price of giving up the shopping: Islamic financial rules, the same one company totally different price match must satmamasi. Zero inflation, partly because there is no time for an advance price of financing the implementation of those given a higher price in advance for the gunahtir odettigi. He yapilmamalidir why such an application. Inflation to be going in implementation of payment installments icermelidir farkini.
c. Credit cards: Credit cards offering amacini tasirlar companies to obtain interest income. If your card if not equal to zero real interest rate applied to the use of this credit kartlarinin gunahtir (cekmeseniz credit even want to eat because the interest rate you get a company to assist in this action)
d. Insurance: Insurance companies often sin niteledigimiz enstrumanlara yatirirlar currencies collected from you, it's so incumbent on insurance gunahtir (tools would be). Company according to Islamic rules, if an insurance company, collected the currencies have put these questions then maybe we can give a different answer. Incumbent, this time the insurance is like gambling, a winner and a loser in the end, the event will gerceklesirse. That this is so gunahtir.
Let's look at a recent Private Finance Kurumlarina.
a. Collected funds in exchange for shares if the corporation gives you the rules, this practice is appropriate. Those of us above the "i" part means they could already invested fonlariyla goes into the same category.
b. Leasing: This is in accordance with the rules of the real interest rate = 0 must be able to uyguladigi interest. Costs also stays. What would be of real interest rates in advance, a different real interest bilmedigimiz uses zero for the majority of these practices. He gunahtir so.
Hz. Water clarity is to describe the interest Mohammed sozlerle: "return to the gold Gold, silver to silver counterpart, with a grain of wheat, barley and barley, and palm to palm, do not sell salt to salt counterpart. However, if an equal amount and cash it exceptional. If the interest rate increases, or get whoever took over would have given. In this area and there is no difference between giving. "
Ozetleyecek: if
1. Quran also mentioned interest rates, economists' "real interest" in the amount of inflation on interest rates in the IMIS is happening. Mathematically, we can also put forward real interest rate = 0 rule.
2. Guilty and who is the domain of the zero real interest rates being too small or zero gunahtir means being big.
On the other hand, could not find a source for gambling, according to denomination, but the water that contains conditions can be attributed to gambling situations:
1. Inconclusive results in an event to be involved.
2. If we are to achieve financial gain Kazanmaniz, if you lose to lose financially.
We're looking tanimlara evaluation of the available investment vehicles now. (It's very long buluyorsaniz stay below the letter I wrote to the outcome)
a. Bank deposit: If you picked up a real interest from the bank, this is not gunahtir = 0. With zero interest loans even if you gunahtir yatiriyor inflation with an interest in over the gunahtir If yatiriyor. Already collected this money from you bank or credit interest in kazandiklari kulladiklari even if for the real interest rate = 0 would be sin islemis (gunaha tool for you get). So he never sinned, to keep a copy for the money in the bank is required yatirmamaniz.
b. Bonds / Treasury Bills: State of the zero real interest rate equal to the debt verdiginiz can do that. Usually a zero real interest rate is higher, but sometimes it occurs under zero. Them have low interest rates likely to be zero. So real that I think a Muslim should stalker them away. Inflation-indexed kagitlardan Bring on the inflation rate in the hands of the night to give back to the state in which vatandaslarimiz (if they do not violate any other rule) can do it. Consequently, the purpose of real interest = 0
c. Stock Exchange: Stock Exchange to invest in companies that use Dear whom interest is forbidden. A company that meets all the Islamic rules in the stock market assume that the processing gordugunu. This definition of gambling within the company to sell the stock takes it away. When he picked up shares at a future alacagi value (as well as the basic parts of) depends on the sansa. After five years of a stock we do not know what price you'll see from the process. So just when I thought that if the purchase and sale, depending (or less) to profit or loss is subject to our situation. So it should be forbidden according to Islam it. But if the profit share of a stock for only dagittigi tutarsaniz You take your hand and forever, the company's share of profits dagittigi (I) do not sin.
d. Gold / Silver: the price of everything past, gold / silver lap times your money under the precious metals was determined with the stalker was not sin. However, in today's prices are determined on local currencies, while gold (with some basic degiskenlerle) sansa categories depending on gambling for degistigi enters. To do so, under the investment gunahtir this. To get the golden takin (consumption purposes) may not be sin, it is necessary to control the other yasaklari.
e. Currency: Currency is well below the difference, the value (with some basic degiskenlerle) vary depending on the sansa. To make it so that gunahtir Forex Trading.
f. Options: Opsiyonlarin value will vary depending on the sansa. He also why they gunahtir.
g. Nema: State of zero because there is no real interest to you gave gunahtir also valued.
h. Real estate: Real estate prices (the main factors besides), depending on if I done trading gain or loss for degistigi gunahtir to bear. However, a real estate holding forever, provided it does not get covered by sin edeceginiz income.
i. Investment Funds: Investment fonlarinin enstrumanlara majority of the above, they could make the investment. He also why they gunahtir. Yatirimcilardan collected as exceptional as the currencies in activities fully comply with Islamic rules that put the funds equivalent to the share of business investment can be done. Hedge funds for everyone, this is for MAC kaka tu kaftandir bicilmis.
Let the consumption by an event:
a. To borrow: Source matter what (whether state or private sector, either party) to use a credit gunahtir zero real interest rate.
b. Payment of the price of giving up the shopping: Islamic financial rules, the same one company totally different price match must satmamasi. Zero inflation, partly because there is no time for an advance price of financing the implementation of those given a higher price in advance for the gunahtir odettigi. He yapilmamalidir why such an application. Inflation to be going in implementation of payment installments icermelidir farkini.
c. Credit cards: Credit cards offering amacini tasirlar companies to obtain interest income. If your card if not equal to zero real interest rate applied to the use of this credit kartlarinin gunahtir (cekmeseniz credit even want to eat because the interest rate you get a company to assist in this action)
d. Insurance: Insurance companies often sin niteledigimiz enstrumanlara yatirirlar currencies collected from you, it's so incumbent on insurance gunahtir (tools would be). Company according to Islamic rules, if an insurance company, collected the currencies have put these questions then maybe we can give a different answer. Incumbent, this time the insurance is like gambling, a winner and a loser in the end, the event will gerceklesirse. That this is so gunahtir.
Let's look at a recent Private Finance Kurumlarina.
a. Collected funds in exchange for shares if the corporation gives you the rules, this practice is appropriate. Those of us above the "i" part means they could already invested fonlariyla goes into the same category.
b. Leasing: This is in accordance with the rules of the real interest rate = 0 must be able to uyguladigi interest. Costs also stays. What would be of real interest rates in advance, a different real interest bilmedigimiz uses zero for the majority of these practices. He gunahtir so.
c. Murabaha: In this method, the customer's need of raw materials, machinery, etc. on his behalf to buy and put a profit will be transferred to the customer. ÖFK'ya price of the goods by the customer will be refunded in installments. The most important rules to conform to these conditions to obtain the customer's need for raw materials, machinery, or do not know Where can alacagini skilled absence. Hand, if the fellows in the money (capital) would have been had the financial might get them the answer is yes to the question gunahtir usury. I think the answer to this question is always yes. OFK broker in the end, not provide funding fellows Function; alacagini customer does not know where his own raw material that I never do the work. In the end, this is a finance, real interest rates applied in different gunahtir zero. Gunahtir zero because of the high real interest rates mostly get.
Company shares outside the field of Islamic funds if we all Ozetleyecek gunahtir investments. To put money on me kalirsa gunahtir OFK'lara. You can also currency investment you made only consumption, not make speculation in precious metals over. You must be careful when spending the money as well, because everywhere in interest (as an open and secret) karsimiza occurs. Muslims now have real sakinmasi. If you do not like the Koran or soylendigi "Kim again if interest returns, that they are the Fire, they will abide therein."
Inflation, interest only giving up for Muslim investors (real interest rate = 0) from the market, causing bond surmuyorlar? Of these bonds or treasury ihracini he can direct, too sinks borclanma costs. I do not think it cikacagini against the secularists.
Company shares outside the field of Islamic funds if we all Ozetleyecek gunahtir investments. To put money on me kalirsa gunahtir OFK'lara. You can also currency investment you made only consumption, not make speculation in precious metals over. You must be careful when spending the money as well, because everywhere in interest (as an open and secret) karsimiza occurs. Muslims now have real sakinmasi. If you do not like the Koran or soylendigi "Kim again if interest returns, that they are the Fire, they will abide therein."
Inflation, interest only giving up for Muslim investors (real interest rate = 0) from the market, causing bond surmuyorlar? Of these bonds or treasury ihracini he can direct, too sinks borclanma costs. I do not think it cikacagini against the secularists.
Date of entrepreneurship
Marco Polo is one of the oldest entrepreneurs in history. Marco Polo, traveler-adventurer-merchant, as the owners of capital in the country (the forerunners of today's venture capital owners) brought had signed contracts to sell goods. At a risk of liability if the contractor has actually capital-merchant adventurer who played an active role in trade, has been carrying all the physical and emotional burden. Adventurer-merchant, had sold all the goods and complete the journey to the capital owners profit u'ini% 'ini would also distinguish itself.
In the Middle Ages the word entrepreneur who manage large production projects was a word used for people. This large manufacturing projects typically an entrepreneurial rather than take a risk the country's managers or owners of large capital resources are provided by the project was carried out in this way.
17. century, entrepreneurs with a "risk" concept has been referred back together is the beginning of the period. Entrepreneurs, to fulfill a service or product to provide the prescribed contractual arrangements with the management of the country who had access to. Therefore, under contract profit or loss arising as a result of the work belonged to all entrepreneurs.
18. century, with the capital owners who need capital differences emerged between. In this case, those entrepreneurs provide capital (today's venture capital owners) began to leave. Venture capital owners to invest their own capital resources to provide a high return on investment for the risk to people or institutions who are. On the other hand, entrepreneurs, capital user.
The difference between capital owners and entrepreneurs who reveal why one of the most important place in the West, the Industrial Devrimi'ydi rapidly. Invention realized in that period most of the properties in the world was reacting to the changes. Confiscated royal property from the capital to obtain a British citizen, Eli Whitney and electricity and chemistry in the experiments to make private equity profit from, the (Serbian-born scientist Nikola Tesla's inventions stealing celebrity), a U.S. citizen, Thomas Edison, this period two important entrepreneur is. Edison and Whitney capital providers (venture capital owners) are not entrepreneurs (users of capital) were.
19. and the end of the 20th century At the beginning of the century, entrepreneurs, corporate managers are like-minded, and often an economic perspective, were evaluated (Hisrich, Peters, Shepherd, 2005):
"In short, if expressed, the entrepreneur organizes and executes a leap for profit. Materials consumed during the operation of business, land use, employment, personal services and that the capital needed to pay current prices. These advances in planning, organizing and managing their own decision authority, skill and ingenuity of the string. Entrepreneurs also can not be foreseen or uncontrollable circumstances that will occur due to the potential profits and losses will accept. After spending the whole rest business is its net income. "
20. In the middle of the century "as an innovative entrepreneur" concept has been developed (Hisrich, Peters, Shepherd, 2005):
"Entrepreneur of the function of the production model of an invention by taking advantage, or more generally as a new cost to produce, or an existing property to a new way to produce a new material resource to provide a good presentation of the channel to open, a new industry to organize through the untried teknololjik method or by taking advantage devrimselleştirmektir improve. "
(This article Tugrul Atasoy, written by "your own boss Being: Entrepreneurship in the book of the information re-interpretation has been established. Featured in bookshops this high-quality books recommend that you get. Note: Nikola Tesla'yla the brackets in the book are not real information.)
In the Middle Ages the word entrepreneur who manage large production projects was a word used for people. This large manufacturing projects typically an entrepreneurial rather than take a risk the country's managers or owners of large capital resources are provided by the project was carried out in this way.
17. century, entrepreneurs with a "risk" concept has been referred back together is the beginning of the period. Entrepreneurs, to fulfill a service or product to provide the prescribed contractual arrangements with the management of the country who had access to. Therefore, under contract profit or loss arising as a result of the work belonged to all entrepreneurs.
18. century, with the capital owners who need capital differences emerged between. In this case, those entrepreneurs provide capital (today's venture capital owners) began to leave. Venture capital owners to invest their own capital resources to provide a high return on investment for the risk to people or institutions who are. On the other hand, entrepreneurs, capital user.
The difference between capital owners and entrepreneurs who reveal why one of the most important place in the West, the Industrial Devrimi'ydi rapidly. Invention realized in that period most of the properties in the world was reacting to the changes. Confiscated royal property from the capital to obtain a British citizen, Eli Whitney and electricity and chemistry in the experiments to make private equity profit from, the (Serbian-born scientist Nikola Tesla's inventions stealing celebrity), a U.S. citizen, Thomas Edison, this period two important entrepreneur is. Edison and Whitney capital providers (venture capital owners) are not entrepreneurs (users of capital) were.
19. and the end of the 20th century At the beginning of the century, entrepreneurs, corporate managers are like-minded, and often an economic perspective, were evaluated (Hisrich, Peters, Shepherd, 2005):
"In short, if expressed, the entrepreneur organizes and executes a leap for profit. Materials consumed during the operation of business, land use, employment, personal services and that the capital needed to pay current prices. These advances in planning, organizing and managing their own decision authority, skill and ingenuity of the string. Entrepreneurs also can not be foreseen or uncontrollable circumstances that will occur due to the potential profits and losses will accept. After spending the whole rest business is its net income. "
20. In the middle of the century "as an innovative entrepreneur" concept has been developed (Hisrich, Peters, Shepherd, 2005):
"Entrepreneur of the function of the production model of an invention by taking advantage, or more generally as a new cost to produce, or an existing property to a new way to produce a new material resource to provide a good presentation of the channel to open, a new industry to organize through the untried teknololjik method or by taking advantage devrimselleştirmektir improve. "
(This article Tugrul Atasoy, written by "your own boss Being: Entrepreneurship in the book of the information re-interpretation has been established. Featured in bookshops this high-quality books recommend that you get. Note: Nikola Tesla'yla the brackets in the book are not real information.)
How do children's money?
With school starting and the child's allowance can be given with the understanding of basic arithmetic operations. Amount to little things can get big, how small should not lead to extravagance. 6-7 years old 1st and 2nd grade students per day for 1 $ is reasonable.
Amount of pocket money to buy will attract the attention of the child, to encourage consumption and to spend money without thinking should not be large enough to lead. Allowance to meet basic needs of children should be. Clothing, the books can not wait to meet him in the pocket.
In principle, the child's allowance should not be confused with what it takes, warnings, and can make recommendations. Autonomy and the right to cut the allowance can not teach the use of money, will and will not contribute to developing self-control. The privilege of spending money, but more accurately be regarded as a kind of right. I found an unwanted behavior and the withdrawal of allowances as punishment, should not be done because of misbehavior does not teach. If anything, they arouse resentment in the child. Storage, such as hiding prepares dishonest ways.
Amount of pocket money to buy will attract the attention of the child, to encourage consumption and to spend money without thinking should not be large enough to lead. Allowance to meet basic needs of children should be. Clothing, the books can not wait to meet him in the pocket.
In principle, the child's allowance should not be confused with what it takes, warnings, and can make recommendations. Autonomy and the right to cut the allowance can not teach the use of money, will and will not contribute to developing self-control. The privilege of spending money, but more accurately be regarded as a kind of right. I found an unwanted behavior and the withdrawal of allowances as punishment, should not be done because of misbehavior does not teach. If anything, they arouse resentment in the child. Storage, such as hiding prepares dishonest ways.
How do children's allowances should be determined?
Children 3-4 years of relationship with money begins. Money in a positive direction for the development of the concept of responsibility is great for families. At what age, how much pocket money should be given, how the amount should be determined whether allowances should be a penalty to cut, such questions have received answers from experts. We spoke with families of their own pocket money policy.
Allowances, the independent rights of children are recognized
Assoc. Dr. Deniz Albayrak Kaymak (Bogazici University, educational scientist) How many years will start spending money, with the child's mental competence, which vary depending on the development of numerical understanding. In pre-school children are given small amounts of money and they are accumulated in a piggy bank. Piggy bank is full, the child wants to use when buying something. So that the children are encouraged to save money. Parsing process of accumulation expected, some requests can help children understand the need for postponement.
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Osmanlı Devletinde yetişen âlim, velî ve büyük hattatlardan. 1642 (H.1052) senesinde İstanbul'da doğdu. Babası, Haseki Câmiinin müezzini...
Bu hafta Sazlıbosna 'ya sazan avlamaya gittik güya... 2 gün ve 1 gece geçirmemize rağmen alabildiğimiz balık sayısı sadece iki... İlk ö...
Yazılım Geliştirici: Geleceğin Mimarı Teknolojinin baş döndürücü bir hızla geliştiği bu çağda, yazılım geliştiricilere olan talep de katla...