Marco Polo is one of the oldest entrepreneurs in history. Marco Polo, traveler-adventurer-merchant, as the owners of capital in the country (the forerunners of today's venture capital owners) brought had signed contracts to sell goods. At a risk of liability if the contractor has actually capital-merchant adventurer who played an active role in trade, has been carrying all the physical and emotional burden. Adventurer-merchant, had sold all the goods and complete the journey to the capital owners profit u'ini% 'ini would also distinguish itself.
In the Middle Ages the word entrepreneur who manage large production projects was a word used for people. This large manufacturing projects typically an entrepreneurial rather than take a risk the country's managers or owners of large capital resources are provided by the project was carried out in this way.
17. century, entrepreneurs with a "risk" concept has been referred back together is the beginning of the period. Entrepreneurs, to fulfill a service or product to provide the prescribed contractual arrangements with the management of the country who had access to. Therefore, under contract profit or loss arising as a result of the work belonged to all entrepreneurs.
18. century, with the capital owners who need capital differences emerged between. In this case, those entrepreneurs provide capital (today's venture capital owners) began to leave. Venture capital owners to invest their own capital resources to provide a high return on investment for the risk to people or institutions who are. On the other hand, entrepreneurs, capital user.
The difference between capital owners and entrepreneurs who reveal why one of the most important place in the West, the Industrial Devrimi'ydi rapidly. Invention realized in that period most of the properties in the world was reacting to the changes. Confiscated royal property from the capital to obtain a British citizen, Eli Whitney and electricity and chemistry in the experiments to make private equity profit from, the (Serbian-born scientist Nikola Tesla's inventions stealing celebrity), a U.S. citizen, Thomas Edison, this period two important entrepreneur is. Edison and Whitney capital providers (venture capital owners) are not entrepreneurs (users of capital) were.
19. and the end of the 20th century At the beginning of the century, entrepreneurs, corporate managers are like-minded, and often an economic perspective, were evaluated (Hisrich, Peters, Shepherd, 2005):
"In short, if expressed, the entrepreneur organizes and executes a leap for profit. Materials consumed during the operation of business, land use, employment, personal services and that the capital needed to pay current prices. These advances in planning, organizing and managing their own decision authority, skill and ingenuity of the string. Entrepreneurs also can not be foreseen or uncontrollable circumstances that will occur due to the potential profits and losses will accept. After spending the whole rest business is its net income. "
20. In the middle of the century "as an innovative entrepreneur" concept has been developed (Hisrich, Peters, Shepherd, 2005):
"Entrepreneur of the function of the production model of an invention by taking advantage, or more generally as a new cost to produce, or an existing property to a new way to produce a new material resource to provide a good presentation of the channel to open, a new industry to organize through the untried teknololjik method or by taking advantage devrimselleştirmektir improve. "
(This article Tugrul Atasoy, written by "your own boss Being: Entrepreneurship in the book of the information re-interpretation has been established. Featured in bookshops this high-quality books recommend that you get. Note: Nikola Tesla'yla the brackets in the book are not real information.)
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